

An Nasr

بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ

Quran Terjemahan Kemenag RI

Terjemah Makna Al Quran Bahasa Indonesia-King Fahad Quran Complex

Quran Bengali-Muhiuddin Khan

Quran Chinese-Al-Fath Makin

Der heilige Koran, Al-Qur’an al-Karim – Frank Bubenheim

De Edele Koran-Sofjan Saury Siregar

The Clear Quran-Dr. Mustafa Khattab

El sagrado Coran-Julio Cortes

Quran in French-Montada Islamic Foundation

Quran in Hebrew-Dar Al-Salam Center

Glorioso Corano-Hamza Roberto Piccardo

Quran in Japanese-Ryoichi Mita

Korean-Dr. Hamed Choi

Tafsir pimpinan Ar-Rahman-Abdullah Al-Fath Basmeih

Farsi Translation of the words of the Holy Quran-Islamhouse

Nobre Alcorao Portuguese-Helmi Nasr

Quran in Russian-Elmir Kuliev

Koranens Budskap Svenska-Knut Bernström

Quran Tagalog-Dar Al-Salam Center

Quran Tamil-Sheikh Omar Sharif bin Abdul Salam

Quran Thai-Society of Institutes and Universities

Kur’an-ı Kerim – Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı

Quran Uyghur-Al-Fath Saleh

(the) Help
(of) Allah
dan kemenangan
and the Victory


iżā jā`a naṣrullāhi wal-fat-ḥ

Apabila telah datang pertolongan Allah dan kemenangan,

Apabila telah datang pertolongan Allah dan kemenangan,

যখন আসবে আল্লাহর সাহায্য ও বিজয়


Wenn Allahs Hilfe kommt und der Sieg

Allah is de Enige van Wie al het geschapene afhankelijk is.

When Allah’s ultimate help comes and the victory over Mecca is achieved,

Cuando venga el auxilio de Alá, así como el éxito,

Lorsque viendra le secours d’Allah (annonçant) la victoire,

כאשר מגיע הניצחון מאללה והשחרור,

Quando verrà l’ausilio di Allah e la vittoria,


하나님의 도움과 대승리가 도래하고

Apabila datang pertolongan Allah dan kemenangan (semasa engkau wahai Muhammad berjaya menguasai negeri Makkah), –

[ای پیامبر،] هنگامی ‌که یاری الله و پیروزی فرا رسد [و فتح مکه رخ دهد]،

Quando chegar o socorro de Allah e também a vitória,

Когда придет помощь Аллаха и настанет победа,

DÅ GUDS hjälp kommer med segern,

Kapag dumating ang pag-aadya ni Allāh at ang pagsakop

(நபியே!) அல்லாஹ்வுடைய உதவி இன்னும் வெற்றி வந்தால்,

เมื่อความช่วยเหลือของอัลลอฮฺ และการพิชิตได้มาถึงแล้ว

Allah’ın yardımı ve zafer günü gelip, insanların Allah’ın dinine akın akın girdiklerini görünce, Rabbini överek tesbih et; O’ndan bağışlama dile, çünkü O, tevbeleri daima kabul edendir.

ئاللاھنىڭ ياردىمى ۋە غەلىبىسى كەلگەن ۋە ئاللاھنىڭ دىنىغا كىشىلەرنىڭ توپ ـ توپ بولۇپ كىرگەنلىكىنى كۆرگىنىڭدە[1ـ2]،

dan kamu lihat
And you see
the people
(the) religion
(of) Allah
اَفۡوَاجًا ۙ‏
(in) multitudes


wa ra`aitan-nāsa yadkhulụna fī dīnillāhi afwājā

dan engkau melihat manusia berbondong-bondong masuk agama Allah.

dan kamu lihat manusia masuk agama Allah dengan berbondong-bondong,

এবং আপনি মানুষকে দলে দলে আল্লাহর দ্বীনে প্রবেশ করতে দেখবেন,


und du die Menschen in Allahs Religion in Scharen eintreten siehst,

Hij heeft niet verwekt en is niet verwekt.

and you O Prophet see the people embracing Allah’s Way in crowds,

y veas que los hombres entran en masa en la religión de Alá,

et que tu verras les hommes entrer dans la religion d’Allah en foules,

ותראה את האנשים נכנסים בהמוניהם אל דתו של אללה

e vedrai le genti entrare in massa nella religione di Allah,


사람들이 무리 지어 하나님의 종교로 입교하는 것을 보았을 때

Dan engkau melihat manusia masuk dalam ugama Allah beramai-ramai, –

و مردم را ببینی که گروه‌گروه در دین الله داخل می‌شوند.

E vires os homens entrarem na religião de Allah, em turbas,

когда ты увидишь, как люди толпами обращаются в религию Аллаха,

och du ser människorna i oräkneliga skaror flocka sig till Guds religion,

at nakakita ka sa mga tao na pumapasok sa Relihiyon ni Allāh nang mga pulu-pulutong

அல்லாஹ்வுடைய மார்க்கத்தில் கூட்டம் கூட்டமாக நுழைபவர்களாக மக்களை நீர் பார்த்தால்


Allah’ın yardımı ve zafer günü gelip, insanların Allah’ın dinine akın akın girdiklerini görünce, Rabbini överek tesbih et; O’ndan bağışlama dile, çünkü O, tevbeleri daima kabul edendir.

ئاللاھنىڭ ياردىمى ۋە غەلىبىسى كەلگەن ۋە ئاللاھنىڭ دىنىغا كىشىلەرنىڭ توپ ـ توپ بولۇپ كىرگەنلىكىنى كۆرگىنىڭدە[1ـ2]،

maka bertasbihlah
Then glorify
dengan memuji
with (the) praises
(of) your Lord
وَاسۡتَغۡفِرۡهُ​ ؕ
dan mohonlah ampun
and ask His forgiveness
sesungguhnya Dia
Indeed, He
adalah Dia
Maha Penerima Taubat


fa sabbiḥ biḥamdi rabbika wastagfir-h, innahụ kāna tawwābā

maka bertasbihlah dengan memuji Tuhanmu dan mohonlah ampunan kepada-Nya. Sungguh, Dia Maha Penerima tobat.

maka bertasbihlah dengan memuji Tuhan-mu dan mohonlah ampun kepada-Nya. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Penerima tobat.

তখন আপনি আপনার পালনকর্তার পবিত্রতা বর্ণনা করুন এবং তাঁর কাছে ক্ষমা প্রার্থনা করুন। নিশ্চয় তিনি ক্ষমাকারী।


dann lobpreise deinen Herrn und bitte Ihn um Vergebung; gewiß, Er ist Reue-Annehmend.

En niet één is aan Hem gelijkwaardig.”

then glorify the praises of your Lord and seek His forgiveness, for certainly He is ever Accepting of Repentance.

entonces, ¡celebra las alabanzas de tu Señor y pide Su perdón! Es indulgente.

rends gloire alors à ton Seigneur, célèbre Ses louanges et implore Son pardon ! Car Il est Tout Absoluteur !

אז הלל בשבח את ריבונך והתחנן אל סליחתו, כי הוא תמיד סלחן.

glorifica il tuo Signore lodandoLo e chiediGli perdono: in verità Egli è Colui Che sempre accetta il pentimento. 1 Questa fu l’ultima sura che Muhammad (pace e benedizione su di lui) ricevette, concludendo un ciclo di rivelazioni che era durato ventitré anni. Fu l’annuncio della vittoria generale dell’Islàm sulla miscredenza e della conversione di massa di tutta l’Arabia. Quando l’inviato di Allah ebbe questa rivelazione comprese che il Suo Signore (gloria a Lui l’Altissimo) gli preannunciava la prossima dipartita e ne informò i suoi parenti più stretti. Durante tutto il periodo che precedette la sua morte terrena continuava a ripetere: «Ti rendo gloria, mio Signore, e Ti lodo! Invoco il Tuo perdono e ritorno da Te».


그대는 그대 주님의 완벽한 영광을 드높이고 그분께 용서를 구하라. 진실로 그분께서는 뉘우치는 자를 받아 주시는 분이도다.

Maka ucapkanlah tasbih dengan memuji Tuhanmu dan mintalah ampun kepadaNya, sesungguhnya Dia amat menerima taubat.

پس به ستایش پروردگارت تسبیح گوی و از او آمرزش بخواه؛ همانا او بسیار توبه‌پذیر است.

Então glorifica, com louvor, a teu Senhor e implora-Lhe perdão. Por certo, Ele é O remissório.

восславь же хвалой Господа своего и попроси у Него прощения. Воистину, Он – Принимающий покаяния.

lova och prisa då din Herres namn och sök Hans förlåtelse! Han är alltid beredd att ta emot den [uppriktigt] ångerfulles ånger.

ay magluwalhati ka kalakip ng papuri sa Panginoon mo at humingi ka ng tawad sa Kanya. Tunay na Siya ay laging Palatanggap ng pagbabalik-loob.

உம் இறைவனின் புகழைத் துதித்து தூய்மைப்படுத்துவீராக! அவனிடம் மன்னிப்புக் கோருவீராக! நிச்சயமாக அவன் மகா மன்னிப்பாளனாக இருக்கிறான்.

ดังนั้น จงแซ่ซ้องสดุดีด้วยการสรรเสริญพระเจ้าของเจ้า และจงขออภัยโทษต่อพระองค์เถิด แท้จริงพระองค์นั้นเป็นผู้ทรงอภัยโทษเสมอ

Allah’ın yardımı ve zafer günü gelip, insanların Allah’ın dinine akın akın girdiklerini görünce, Rabbini överek tesbih et; O’ndan bağışlama dile, çünkü O, tevbeleri daima kabul edendir.

رەببىڭغا تەسبىھ ئېيتقىن، ھەمدى ئېيتقىن ۋە ئۇنىڭدىن مەغپىرەت تىلىگىن. ئاللاھ ھەقىقەتەن تەۋبىنى بەك قوبۇل قىلغۇچىدۇر.


The Surah takes its name from the word nasr occurring in the first verse.

Period of Revelation

Hadrat Abdullah bin Abbas states that this is the last Surah of the Quran to be revealed, i. e. no complete Surah was sent down to the Holy Prophet after it. (Muslim Nasai, Tabarani, Ibn Abi Shaibah, Ibn Marduyah).

According to Hadrat Abdullah bin Umar, this Surah was sent down on the occasion of the Farewell Pilgrimage in the middle of the Tashriq Days at Mina, and after it the Holy Prophet rode his she camel and gave his well known Sermon. (Tirmidhi, Bazzar, Baihaqi, Ibn Abi Shaibah, Abd bin Humaid, Abn Yala, Ibn Marduyah). Baihaqi in Kitab al- Hajj has related from the tradition of Hadrat Sarra bint-Nabhan the Sermon which the Holy Prophet gave on this occasion. She says:

“At the Farewell Pilgrimage I heard the Holy Prophet say: O people, do you know what day it is? They said: Allah and His Messenger have the best knowledge. He said: This is the middle day of the Tashriq Days. Then he said: Do you know what place it is? They said: Allah and His Messenger have the best knowledge. He said: This is Masharil-Haram. Then he said: I do not know, I might not meet you here again. Beware, your bloods and your honors are forbidden, until you appear before your Lord, and He questions you about your deeds. Listen: let the one who is near convey it to him who is far away. Listen: have I conveyed the message to you? Then, when we returned to Madinah, the Holy Prophet passed away not many days after that.”

If both these traditions are read together, it appears that there was an interval of three months and some days between the revelation of Surah An-Nasr and the Holy Prophet’s death, for historically the same was the interval between the Farewell Pilgrimage and the passing away of the Holy Prophet.

Ibn Abbas says that when this Surah was revealed, the Holy Prophet said that he had been informed of his death and his time had approached. (Musnad Ahmad, Ibn Jarir, Ibn al-Mundhir, Ibn Marduyah). In the other traditions related from Hadrat Abdullah bin Abbas, it has been stated that at the revelation of this Surah the Holy Prophet understood that he had been informed of his departure from the world.(Musnad Ahmad, Ibn Jarir, Tabarani, Nasai, Ibn Abi Hatim, Ibn Marduyah).

Mother of the Believers, Hadrat Umm Habibah, says that when this Surah was revealed the Holy Prophet said that he would leave the world that year. Hearing this Hadrat Fatimah wept. Thereat he said: “From among my family you will be the first to join me.” Hearing this she laughed.(Ibn Abi Hatim, Ibn Marduyah). A tradition containing almost the same theme has been related by Baihaqi from Ibn Abbas.

Ibn Abbas says: “Hadrat Umar used to invite me to sit in his assembly along with some of the important elderly Companions who had fought at Badr. This was not liked by some of them. They complained that they also had sons who were like the boy. Why then was he in particular invited to sit in the assembly? (Imam Bukhari and Ibn Jarir have pointed out that such a thing was said by Hadrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf).

Hadrat Umar said that the boy enjoyed the position and distinction because of his knowledge. Then one day he invited the Companions of Badr and called me also to sit with them. I understood that he had invited me to the assembly to prove his contention. During the conversation Hadrat Umar asked the Companions of Badr: “What do you say about Idha jaa nasrullahi wal- fath?” Some said: “In it we have been enjoined to praise Allah and ask for His forgiveness when His succor comes and we attain victory.”Some others said that it implied the conquest of cities and forts. Some kept quiet. Then Hadrat Umar said: “Ibn Abbas, do you also say the same?”I said no. He asked: “What then is your view?”I submitted that it implied the last hour of Allah’s Messenger (upon whom be peace); in it he was informed that when Allah’s succor came and victory was attained, it would be a sign that his hour had come; therefore, he should praise Allah and ask for His forgiveness. Thereat Hadrat Umar
said “I know naught but what you have said.”

In another tradition there is the addition that, Hadrat Umar said to the Companions: “How can you blame me when you yourselves have seen why I invite this boy to join the assembly?” (Bukhari, Musnad Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Ibn Jarir, Ibn Marduyah, Baghawi, Baihaqi, Ibn al-Mundhir).

Theme and Subject Matter

As is shown by the above traditions, Allah in this Surah had informed His Messenger (upon whom be peace) that when Islam attained complete victory in Arabia and the people started entering Allah’s religion in great numbers, it would mean that the mission for which he had been sent to the world, had been fulfilled. Then, he was enjoined to busy himself in praising and glorifying Allah by Whose bounty he had been able to accomplish such a great task, and should implore Him to forgive whatever failings and frailties he might have shown in the performance of the service. Here, by a little consideration one can easily see the great difference that there is between a Prophet and a common worldly leader. If a worldly leader in his own lifetime is able to bring about a revolution, which has the aim and objective of his struggle, this would be an occasion for exultation for him. But here we witness quite another phenomenon. The Messenger of Allah in a brief space of 23 years
revolutionized an entire nation as regards its beliefs, thoughts, customs, morals, civilization, ways of living, economy, politics and fighting ability, and raising it from ignorance and barbarism enabled it to conquer the world and become leader of nations; yet when he had accomplished this unique task, he was not enjoined to celebrate it but to glorify and praise Allah and to pray for His forgiveness, and he busied himself humbly the implementation of that command.

Hadrat Aishah says: “The Holy Messenger (upon whom be peace) often used to recite Subhanak-Allahumma wa bi-hamdika astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaika (according to some other traditions, Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdi-hi as- taghfirullaha wa atubu ilaihi) before his death. I asked: O Messenger of Allah, what are these words that you have started reciting now? He replied: A sign has been appointed for me so that when I see it, I should recite these words, and it is: Idha jaa nasrullahi wal-fathu.” (Musnad Ahmad, Muslim, Ibn Jarir, lbn al-Mundhir, Ibn Marduyah).

In some other traditions on the same subject Hadrat Aishah has reported that the Holy Prophet often recited the following words in his ruku and sajdah: Subhanak-Allahumma wa-bi hamdika, Allahumma- aghfirli. This was the interpretation of the Quran (i. e. of Surah An-Nasr) that he had made.(Bukhari, Muslim Abu Daud, Nasai, Ibn Majah, Ibn Jarir).

Hadrat Umm Salamah says that the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) during his last days very often recited the following words sitting and standing, going out of the house and coming back to it: Subhan Allahi wa-bi hamdi-hi. I one day asked: “Why do you recite these words so often? O Messenger of Allah”. He replied: I have been enjoined to do so. Then he recited this Surah.” (Ibn Jarir).

According to Hadrat Abdullah bin Masud, when this Surah was revealed, the Messenger of Allah (upon whom be peace) frequently began to recite the words Subhanak-Allahumma wa bi-hamdika, Allahumm-aghfirli, subhanaka Rabbana wa bi-hamdika, Allahumm-aghfirli, innaka anta at- Tawwab al-Ghafur.(Ibn Jarir, Musnad Ahmad, Ibn Abi Hatim).

Ibn Abbas has stated that after the revelation of this Surah the Holy Messenger (upon whom be peace) began to labor so intensively and devotedly hard for the Hereafter as he had never done before.

Surat An Nasr yang dalam tulisan arabnya tertulisالنصر (baca: An Nasr),mempunyai arti surat; Pertolongan. An Nasr merupakan urutan surat dalam Alquran yang ke 110, namun surat ini berada di urutan turun surat Al Quran yang ke 114, dan termasuk golongan surat Madaniyah. Jumlah ayat Surat An Nasr adalah 3 ayat. Pada mushaf Madinah, Surat ini dimulai dari halaman ke 603, sampai halaman ke 603. Surat An Nasr di awali dengan membaca بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ